Monday, May 25, 2009

The Shawshank redemption

An amazing movie...One of the best movies I have seen so far...And it has climbed up to become one of my favourites.

"Hope is a good thing,may be the best of things and no good thing ever dies"

This is one of the quotes I liked about the movie. Morgan Freeman was perfect as expected and the movie is a classic.

And by the way, I have started checking the database and trying to watch all the movies in the list.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Got my first car!

Today I got my first car - a toyota camry. After lot of due dilligence of whether to purchase something between 6 or 7k or within 10 or 12k finally I ended up shelling a whopping 15K. I hope, I will be able to drive it for next 5 years without any problem.

Am I feeling happy, am feeling proud that I have been able to purchase a car finally. Its an amazing feeling to purchase a car all by myself.....I feel to be in 7th heaven owning my own car after 7 years out of engineering college...after seeing all my batchmates purchasing their own cars.....yo man....I have it now!!

Lot of things are happening. I got my H1 visa approved, got a blackberry and now a car.Seems like april and may are proving to be pretty good months for me.