Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I dare you!

I am reading this novel "I dare you" by William Danforth currently. Before I go ahead more about it, I must say it is a must read for everyone.

I have read halfway till now and it basically tells about the importance of phisical exercise and mental exercise to succeed in this life. Apart from that, it stresses the importance of sharing things for them to grow.

Having read halfway, I have thought for myself some of the things that I will try and change in my life.

1) Live healthy - Some of the basic things that I would start doing for that for the next couple of months till they become a habit are:
a) Sit straight
b) Walk Straight
c) Study on the table.
d) Eat breakfast
e) Start by exercising every morning - stretches.

2) Think healthy - Some of the basic things that I would start doing for that for the next couple of months till they become a habit are:
a) Select a topic and become an expert on that or atleast try to know more then anybody else on that topic in a month.
b) Write a blog everyday on something current.

Some of the things that I have changed at the moments or trying to change are:
- Trying to sit straight
- Sitting and studying on table - This is how I will clear CFA if I clear it.

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