Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Places visited!

While sitting on the airport, Prachi said that a friend of her had a dream to visit 30 countries by the age of 30. That made me to think of the different places I have visited till now and do I know much about those places to engage in some small talk. So the purpose of this blog is to think back about all the places I have visited and recollect something special about those places.

Places visited in India:
1) Bhubaneswar
2) Hyderabad
3) Bangalore
4) Goa
5) Mumbai
6) Pune
7) Delhi
8) Chennai
9) Kolkatta
10) Cochin
11) Trivandrum
12) Trichi
13) Mangalore
14) Manipal
15) Puri
16) Rourkela
17) Ranchi
18) Jamshedpur

Places visited in US
1) Wausau
2) St Louis
3) Chicago
4) Niagara
5) Washington DC
6) Heuston
7) San Francisco
8) Omaha
9) Dallas
10) New Orleans
11) Springfield
12) Las Vegas
13) Minneapolis
14) Milwaukee
15) Champaign
16) Lubbock
17) Atlanta
18) Gatlinburg
19) Indianapolis
20) Wisconsin Dells
21) Madison
22) Muscatine

These are all the places I have visited so far. I will be posting more on this blog going ahead.

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